Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

For the uninitiated, conversion rate optimization is the practice of improving a website’s metrics (otherwise known as key performance indicators or KPIs) through analytics and feedback. CRO is also commonly described as the way in which a website improves user experience and engagement through clicks to call, registrations, inquiries, or downloads.

But, CRO isn’t a generic attempt at click generation. It’s about understanding the user’s wants and needs and providing that information on your site. To put it in common sense terms, CRO is analyzing what is and isn’t working on your page and then making changes based on your research of what will make the user perform.
CRO can help you streamline site experience for the user and make them more likely to purchase your product or service. Think of it as intelligent planning. When you identify pitfalls and drawbacks before they have time to distract the user, you can lay a better path that leads to the sale. You can jumpstart your process by engaging with CRO agencies that have built expertise in your industry already. Credibase has a host of such companies that can help you with this process.


You likely have the basics, like a call to action, menus, and you know that navigation for mobile users is of growing importance.
Now sharpen your strategy by taking advantage of these CRO trends:

Long Form May Win Out

Over the past year, marketers have learned that long form content results in higher conversions. Now, CRO professionals are A/B testing long form landing page design. One website found a 37% increase in conversions when they tested a longer and cleaner version of their landing page. It’s worth considering and testing.

Toss Out “Salesy” Content

Site visitors are people just like you. You aren’t taken in by cheesy pitches, and neither are they. People are no longer naïve and know when they’re being pitched to. Just keep it honest and up front and they’ll appreciate that. The website that provides the relevant info in the fastest and clearest way wins.

Clear, Concise, Minimal

Don’t overload site visitors with too much information. Your site isn’t a retail store and those potential customers are not “just browsing”. Most site visitors have landed on your page for a specific reason – usually to find an answer. Make the retrieval of that answer quick and easy with clear language, easy navigation, simple page designs. High bounce rates happen when prospects don’t see even a route to what they’re looking for within seconds of accessing a landing page.

Get Sticky

Don’t make your visitors hunt for what moves them through the tunnel. Using sticky elements (like CTA buttons or nav bars that don’t move when the content scrolls) helps potential customers convert at the very moment they have a notion to before they have a chance to change their mind. You don’t want to let them have those few seconds of doubt and reconsideration they might have while scrolling up to find the contact page or check out button.

Split Screen Design

One attractive way to implement sticky design and minimalism is with a split screen. A split screen with a “tells the story” pic to the left and text and forms to the right gives users the info they need in a nanosecond. Adding a sticky CTA to that left-hand pick associates what the customer wants with what to do to get it.

To the Point Headlines

Finish the sentence, “I want to . . .”. Imagine you are the prospect. What does he want that will result in him landing on your page? Once you have that answer, make it your headline.
For example, say you make a millet and bran cereal. What does the prospect want that you have? The prospect might say “I want to eat healthy, whole grain cereal.” So then, your headline should be “Eat healthy, whole grain cereal.”


You’ve heard the phrase “show, don’t tell” in relation to your freshman year essays, but why not put it to work on your landing page? Users are far more likely to be hooked by images than by text, especially video images. In fact, videos on landing pages increase conversions by 80%.
This isn’t only true of B2C. Business executives love videos – 39% of them call a vendor after watching a video that features a product or service.


Interactive tools increase engagement and, when it’s prominently placed, has the potential to hook the visitor from the very start.
For instance, a beach rental website with a long range forecast widget might take a user from “wouldn’t it be nice” to actually considering and planning a beach vacation.


With Canva awesome Motorcycle Suits of features get real with your images. Stock photography has gone the way of the sales pitch. Potential customers expect to build relationships with the companies they do business with and that starts with transparency and honesty.
Show actual pictures of your team, show your product in use, and if you can, show interaction with actual consumers.

Nix Pop Ups

Google is getting ready to reduce ranking for sites that use pop-ups or site ads. Mobile use has increased and pop-ups only annoy users.

As mentioned above, users have grown weary of sales tactics. Going into 2017, companies will be keeping CTAs specific, but they’ll lose the snarky tone. For instance, pop-ups with a negative close out like “No, I don’t care about dying kittens” rather than the expected X to close will start to fade away as companies realize that making their prospects feel terrible doesn’t translate to conversions.

Optimizing Your CRO Results

That’s not a double positive – you can optimize your optimizing when you bring dedicated CRO experts in to help you. Doing so will certainly increase your ROI and will eliminate time wasted on testing doomed strategies. A dedicated specialist already has the experience to know what might work and what strategies are definitely destined to fail.

CRO professionals are experts in data analysis and in the myriad of possibilities when it comes to your page design, widgets, mobile optimization and more. Their experience with CRO combined with their knowledge and understanding of the tools available make them an investment that will pay you back over and over again.
To find conversion rate optimization services in cleveland, browse through Credibase’s extensive list of CRO companies in cities such as New York City or others.